Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Birds, birds and more birds

Three wren chicks outside my kitchen window!
Mister Blue Guy (superb fairy wren)
Tanvi, puffed up in chickeny outrage
Mehar, in a moment of introspection  
This is Nod the emu. She is like a big chook only bigger. She likes apples and I like fences. I'll get a more intimidating looking photo when I'm brave enough!

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Less words, more pictures

Hello there :)
It's been too long: every time I sit down to write I don't know what to write. Until inspiration strikes I'll post photos. Happy Monday! Miss you all xx
Margo sunbaking. I don't know why they do it. I should look it up.
A new chook: Janelle :)

View from porch :D