Wednesday, 13 July 2016


Hello Anybody!
I hope you are all enjoying your holidays :)
It snowed last night which makes for a very very extremely easy post, yay!

And happily our lambs are all old enough to cope with the sudden low temperatures, although apparently they are a little surly about the whole thing.
This is Ralph. He likes to snuggle. More lambs in another post :)

Tuesday, 31 March 2015


Hello there! Today is the chirpiest day I've had in weeks, and so today I am brave enough to bare my soul on the internets, by which I mean 'post pictures with scant captions to avoid saying something boring'.
So. Sheep. Sheeeeeeep. There are about 150 sheep here, but only a handful have names and can be bribed with treats for a pat. These cuties were hand raised due to difficult births.
Woolly friends enjoying cabbage and apples.

Only one of these is as noisy as a Year 8 Maths class:
Pamela van der Spenkel (or Pankel for short)
Pankel is a cheeky sheep who likes apples and demanding more apples. If I were writing her school report I would say, "Pamela is an enthusiastic and attentive sheep who enjoys participating in class discussions and is always keen to investigate new ideas." Most of these new ideas involve tasty house plants.

Another delightful sheep is Bums. She has sweet little short legs, a cute Miffy face, and will stay for a pat even if it turns out I don't have apples. She is the only one who has worked out how to get her head through the fence to nom the delicious greener grass AND get it back out again.

Anyways, I need to snatch my apple crumble out of the oven so I will finish there. Thanks for reading and have a good day if you can :)

Wednesday, 18 February 2015

Birds, birds and more birds

Three wren chicks outside my kitchen window!
Mister Blue Guy (superb fairy wren)
Tanvi, puffed up in chickeny outrage
Mehar, in a moment of introspection  
This is Nod the emu. She is like a big chook only bigger. She likes apples and I like fences. I'll get a more intimidating looking photo when I'm brave enough!

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Less words, more pictures

Hello there :)
It's been too long: every time I sit down to write I don't know what to write. Until inspiration strikes I'll post photos. Happy Monday! Miss you all xx
Margo sunbaking. I don't know why they do it. I should look it up.
A new chook: Janelle :)

View from porch :D

Monday, 26 January 2015

Things I Have Been Doing

Hi All!

For some of you it's the first day back at school so to distract you here's an update on Things I Have Been Doing.
1. Driving my little car. The first traffic encountered was a peacock and two peahens. Then a tractor. This suits me fine as I'm just learning to drive again.
2. Cooking things. Mostly nice relaxed recipes with phrases like 'bang the dish on the counter a bit'. Thanks to the biscuit-making creatures in my classes last year I have been inspired to make cookies and eat them. Nom.  
3. Feeding things. Some sheep like parsley, others prefer shallots, or apples, or snow peas. Know your sheep! Chickens, however, eat almost everything.
4. Watching birds. So many birds! King Parrots that look in your window with a puzzled expression until you bring them sunflower seeds; swallows nesting on the balcony; emus on their yearly blackberry binge; chickens with their odd chicken ways; and the little blue guys that have stolen my heart: Superb Fairy Wrens. I’ll post photos when I get them: those tiny wrens fly so fast! The chickens shouldn’t be too hard to catch though :)

That's enough for today. Best wishes to you all :)

Saturday, 17 January 2015

Introducing two new ladies: Tanvi and Mehar!

We have two new chooks! Golden Wyandottes for those of you with poultry know-how and what-not. Named for members of 11MA6 as per request :)

Friday, 2 January 2015

Happy New Year

"Happy New Year!" says Bums the sheep, and she means it (she's got a hat and everything).

Lucy, Ms Bates, Bums, Mimsy, Johnson(in hat), Precious and Gorgeous: all tame-ish sheep